Summer Is Still Kicking! Here's What's Rocking Right Now- 7/14/17
I've got some ideas for you for this week... whether you're planning a fun Girls' Night Out, or you want soak up as much of the music festival vibe as possible, or check out one of the city's hottest new hotel restaurants... read below. Click here to listen to my full 101-WKQX segment.
PanIQ Room
Need an idea for a fun group activity, bday party, or Girl’s Night Out? I’ve got ya covered! PanIQ Room is an absolute BLAST. A few girlfriends and I were looking for a fun pre-dinner activity and we thought, “What’s better than being locked in a bunker together for an hour and try to escape?” Turns out, we were right. Escape games are gaining popularity and it’s easy to see why. It’s an exercise in team building, but it’s also suspenseful, thrilling, and sharpens your senses and puzzle solving skills.
Me with my friends, Nicole, Paige, and Caitlin in PanIQ Room Hollywood
We had the choice of escaping a bunker or insane asylum… we opted for the bunker as the asylum sounded a bit too scary for first timers ;) You are given 1 hour to escape and you are able to ask for a clue or two after the first 15 minutes. We are proud to say that we did escape!! (but it took us 1hr 6min…shhhhh don’t tell anyone!) They have locations all over the US and the Chicago one is in the West Loop. Let me know if you check it out…and if you beat my 1h 6min time!
PanIQ Room- WEST LOOP- 1200 W. Lake St.
Pitchfork After Party at Virgin Hotel’s Cerise Rooftop
The only thing to make a badass music festival better than it already is, are all of the fun pre and post parties that go along with it. In this case, Pitchfork is showcasing several of their artists on the gorgeous rooftop lounge of the Virgin Hotel, Cerise. Today through Sunday, each day is filled with live and DJ sets from some of the amazing musicians who are performing at the festival such as, Frankie Cosmo, Madlib, and Nancy Whang of LCD Soundsystem. Check out the flier below for full schedule. Oh, and it’s FREE!!!
he Virgin Hotel- THE LOOP
Ace Hotel- City Mouse
The Ace Hotel is finally here! The trendy addition to Chicago’s Fulton Market District is trying to live up to the hype by introducing their brand new restaurant, City Mouse. It’s headed up by amazing veteran chefs like Jason Vincent of Giant and Pat Sheerin of Trencherman. Check this out… on of the items on their menu is called the Country Mouse and it’s a caviar shooter with cheddar and caramel….WHATTTTT???? You heard me right… it’s sounds so bizarre that it must be good! The rest of the menu isn’t as jaw dropping yet sounds delicious and the cocktail menu looks quite solid. Let me know your thoughts!!
Ace Hotel- WEST LOOP- 311 N. Morgan